Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My First Blog

Thanks for visting my blog.

I am wirting this post while sitting at my apartment in San Antonio. Might sound ooooohhhh.... but the truth is had to come a long and rough way from Nanganallur, chennai, Tamil nadu to be here.

I created this blog site not because I have nothing to do or kill my time but to discuss share and listen to views and thoughts from you on a given scenario.

The way it is going to get ahead from here is i am going to post stories on real life incidents that would have happened to me or that I have seen or been a part of and want to know your views on the same.

I wouldn't want you to get tired by writing passages to express your views but would make it simple.You Just need to respond to each story that will be posted in the blog as "None" or "The One".

Now getting to the story part most of the incidents and situations would be around a character called Gautham and he narrating a scenario or sharing his experience or we having aerial view on his life.

At the end of the story the last line would end with the statement "Who am I? None or The One?" and you could post either "None" or "The One".

I haven't thought about the first story yet but will try to make it as lively as possible.